
How to use the safety seat belt

Abst:  There are many overlapping construction operations at the construction site and at high altitudes. In order to prevent the operator from falling at


There are many overlapping construction operations at the construction site and at high altitudes. In order to prevent the operator from falling at a certain height and position, the operator must hang the seat belt when working in the ascent and high places. There are several requirements for the use and maintenance of seat belts:

1. Ideologically must pay attention to the role of seat belts. Numerous things show that the seat belt is a "life-saving belt." However, a small number of people feel that it is troublesome to take a safety belt. It is not convenient to walk up and down, especially some small live and temporary activities. They think that "the time for wearing a seat belt has been completed." As everyone knows, the accident happens in an instant, so the high-altitude operations must be fastened according to the requirements.

2. Before using the seat belt, check that the rope has no deterioration, whether the buckle is cracked, and whether the spring bounce is good.

3. Work at high places, such as seat belts without fixed hanging points, should use appropriate strength of steel wire rope or other methods. Do not hang the seat belt on moving or tipped corners or loose objects.

4. High hanging low. Hanging the seat belt high, people working below will be called high hanging low. This is a safe and reasonable method of hanging science. It can reduce the actual impact distance when a fall occurs. The opposite is low hanging high. That is, the seat belt is hung in the low place, and the person is working on it. This is a very unsafe method of hanging, because when the fall occurs, the actual impact distance will increase, and people and ropes will be subjected to a large impact load. Therefore, the seat belt must be hung up and low to prevent low hanging high.

5. The seat belt should be hung on a firm member or object. To prevent swinging or collision, the rope can not be knotted and the hook should be hung on the connecting ring.

6. The belt strap must be kept intact to prevent the cord from being worn. If the protective cover is found to be damaged or peeled off, a new set must be added before use.

7. Seat belts are strictly forbidden to use. If a long rope of 3 m or more is used, a buffer must be added and the parts must not be arbitrarily removed.

8. Before using the seat belt, check that the parts are intact. After using the seat belt, pay attention to maintenance and storage. Always check the sewing belt sewing part and the hook part, and check the thread for cracks and damage.

9. When the seat belt is not in use, it should be kept safely. Do not touch high temperature, open flame, strong acid, strong alkali or sharp objects. Do not store it in a damp warehouse.

10. The seat belt should be tested once after two years of use. Frequent use should be carried out for visual inspection. It is found that the abnormality must be replaced immediately. Seat belts used regularly or in a sample test are not allowed to continue to be used.